Deanna Reiter and Troy Stende from Qi Breathing

Deanna and Troy created Qi Breathing to share the healing power of breathing. They are based in the USA in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Participate in one of their workshops or book a private breathing session. It can be live or virtual. Whatever issue it is you are dealing with: You will find empathy, solutions and positive motivation.

Or do you want to learn to teach breathing?

With Deanna and Troy, you can become a Certified Breathing Coach or a Breathing Practitioner. You learn much more teaching. Do you already have a job? Could you incorporate breathing? Breathing is so versatile and powerful. It could be worth considering!

You will benefit from Deanna’s and Troy’s passion and experience.

Connect with Deanna and Troy:
Being creative with breath and making it fun helps us enjoy it more.

Christina Nordstjärna developed a chakra journey. And like Deanna, she knows about the power of affirmations!
Leo Daniel Ryan also picks what works best and is eager to coach those who struggle to train.
Another fun way to deal with the breath is Osho’s Diamond Breath, and you can work with Shanti.

Think positive!

Are you putting yourself down? Break the habit! We owe it to ourselves to build ourselves up. It is important! So what to do if you experience an emotion that is not good for you? Take Deanna’s book and look it up. It works like a dictionary. Find your emotion. What is the positive affirmation Deanna provides for it? Repeat this positive affirmation. Practice it like new vocabulary until you are fluent! Write it down, say it out loud, put it as a sticker on your fridge. It has to sink in!

And observe your breathing when you use the book. How we breathe is how we feel. Negative emotions cause faster shallower breathing, and we tend to forget to exhale. Breathe calmly and deeply to feel more relaxed. Do you notice a change in breath repeating the affirmations?

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