Karl Wolfgang Epple

Karl is a German Executive Creative Director who lives in New York, USA. He has an excellent understanding of how breath is used in marketing, film, and music – and uses it.

Let’s think analytically for a moment. The only purpose of marketing is to sell us something. And what sells are emotions. And what controls our emotions? Exactly, it is the way we breathe!

If we get a fright, we take a sip of air and freeze. All movement stops! Our predator cannot hear or see us. If we are relieved, we exhale. If we are scared, we breathe faster and shallower. If we are relaxed in the arms of our lover, we breathe calm and deep. And it works in the other directions. We feel how we breathe!

Does marketing control our breath and how?

It would be the most obvious choice, wouldn’t it? I combed the WWW for hours until I found Karl Wolfgang Epple’s article. I was so thrilled and danced around the room! I invited Karl to the summit and spent the following days holding my breath. I was crossing my fingers and toes, hoping he would accept the invitation to share some marketing secrets with you. And when he said YES, I screamed YES!

Make sure not to miss a word of Karl’s interview! It is so relevant to understand how marketing tempers with our breathing. Ask yourself: Do you want to be controlled or be in control of your emotions?

To gain control, you first need to be aware of what is going on. Otherwise, you don’t know what you are up against. It is like being trapped in a dark room with a potential enemy. And that is scary!

Connect with Karl Wolfgang Epple:
Breathing to communicate. Who else knows about it?

Ruth Phillips uses it. On stage and in her music. She can teach you how it is done.
Of course Barbara Tanze is thinking about it! There isn’t a topic she skips. Follow her on Instagram to not miss anything.
For communication in relationships turn to Gay Hendricks and Pieter Coenaerts for help.

The article I searched so hard for!

The Emotion of Breathing, and Its Role in Music and Sound Design –
Embracing that most human of expressions

This article is a must-read! It is switching the light on in this pitch-black room where you are locked in, maybe with a monster that you can’t see. JoyfullBreath is about empowerment! You are entitled to know who tempers with your breathing and how. Gain knowledge! It’s the first step towards awareness.

Marketing, films, and music will still manipulate your breathing. The awareness is not going to take away the joy! But at least you understand what is happening, and you can switch to controlling your emotions with conscious breathing.

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