Diana Medina, MS

Diana from Colorado, USA, is a senior trainer of Holotropic Breathwork® and advisor of Grof Transpersonal Training.

Holotropic Breathwork® is a modality using our breath to connect to our own inner wisdom. It is a modality that promotes radical self-empowerment. Using the breath in a safe, supportive environment allows us to awaken and bring to our awareness those things that inhibit us from trusting ourselves and connecting to our bodies. Healing is an inside job. We cease looking for our happiness and well being from someone else.

What a Holotropic Breathwork® facilitator does is create a safe “set and setting” in order to hold and support our experience. Being a good facilitator is dependent on the work they do on themselves. Otherwise, their own ego needs are likely to get in the way of the individual breather’s healing.
Our body, mind and soul are all connected. What is consciousness? Is it a manifestation of our brain? Or is it something deeper?
Learn from Diana about Holotropic Breathwork®, how healing from past trauma is possible and how to begin the journey to trust your own inner wisdom. Get an understanding of consciousness and decide to start your healing journey using Holotropic Breathwork®. Trust yourself and your deep inner knowing.

Diana Medina, MS has been an integral part of the Grof Transpersonal Training staff since 1999. A senior GTT workshop leader and teacher, Diana has taught modules and led workshops across the US, India, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Ireland, England, South America, Australia, and Mexico. She had the great fortune of working alongside both Stan Grof and Tav Sparks before leading the teams in the training modules.

Diana has practised western medicine since 1986.  She recently spent a year as a consultant to the Usona Institute during their phase 2 trial training in the use of an alternative treatment for an emotional disorder. Diana offers a broad experience and knowledge to both her educational and medical practices.

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Feel what resonates with you best. Other experts that use connected breathing are:

Katia Boustani is one of the most experienced Rebirthing facilitators. Dr. Judith Kravitz the founder of Transformational Breath®.
Some psychologists change their profession and become breathworkers instead like Elif Clarke.

By only watching this very short statement, you can already tell that Diana Medina has come a long way. Think of all the people trying to interfere with our health and well-being. It never works! This understanding that our bodies and minds heal themselves is the foundation of breathwork!

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