Elif Clarke

She founded Elif Clarke Just Breathe and is co-founder of The Big Breath Company. From her base in London she travels the world. You can work with her in groups and off- or online 1-2-1.

Elif is a certified Transformational Breath® facilitator and Senior Trainer. She worked as a psychologist and psychotherapist for 20 years and is specialised on working with trauma patients. One of her findings is that addiction usually has underlying traumas. You can spend about three years with conventional psychotherapy to heal them. Or you can transform within about six Transformational Breathing sessions!

Once Elif realised the power of breathing there was no going back! She now helps people transform and is teaching others to become facilitators together with Sarah Jons.

Connect with Elif Clarke:
Bid traumatic experiences goodbye. Your body can heal itself. Get guidance from:

Dr. Judith Kravitz trained Elif and they worked together many times.
Like Dr. Matthias Wittfoth she is a psychologist and realised that talking is not enough! Breathing is the solution.
One outstanding success story is the story of Andreas Gustafsson. What is your story going to be?
Suzanne Davies knows about all the physical symptoms and how to breathe healthily to not have them.

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