Caroline Marie Dupont M. Sc., RHN

Caroline Marie Dupont in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada is a soul coach, meditation & yoga teacher, and registered holistic nutritionist.

Caroline Marie Dupont’s deep interest in physical health informed the first part of her career as an exercise physiologist and holistic nutritionist. She’s a senior instructor with the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and the author of 4 books on nutrition, health & spirituality. Over the past 30 years she has taught thousands of students, worked with clients individually, developed numerous courses and training programs, and led various retreats.

Over time the focus of her work has shifted to developing a relationship with the inner source of effortless body & soul care. She has a profound knowing that peace & health are our natural state. ClearBeing Soul Coach offerings are a culmination of her knowledge of the body, mind, emotions & spirit, and a direct path towards accessing the source of healing within in order to make embodied realizations and lasting shifts.

She loves to connect with people who are sincerely interested in effortless self-care, nurturing the precious body-soul relationship, and translating spiritual awareness into all aspects of their life.

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Related to Caroline's topics are the following experts:

Cathy Vogt is a passionate chef and trained Buteyko practitioner. She knows all about how food and eating impact on our breathing habits.
What Deni Van, Ruth Phillips and Caroline have in common is their instinct on how important breathing is.
Devoted to healthy breathing and therefore the foundation of our health are Patrick McKeownSasha Yakovleva and Suzanne Davies.

Deep Healing by Caroline Dupont

Caroline helps us understand how energy patterns, together with meditation, can expand our awareness and intuition about our bodies. What do we need to heal? We all know it deep inside. Spirit, body and mind are connected. We cannot heal one without the other. Many think of changing their diet first to influence their energy patterns.

And yet, we breathe all the time. It is very recommendable to optimise our breathing first of all. Then turn to the other related topics like eating, which also affects our breathing.

Do you know where our fat goes when we lose weight? Yes, we exhale it as carbon dioxide, that’s right.

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